Peoria, IL Fluoride Treatment Services
Lingering bacteria in our mouth eventually transforms into a type of acid. This acid attacks the teeth and absorbs much needed calcium from enamel. This can result in soft spots or decay. Because Fluoride Treatment strengthens the enamel, it is considered the most effective agent available to help prevent tooth decay. Flouride is in fact a naturally occuring mineral found in many different foods and water supplies.
Fluoride works in two unique ways:
Systemic Fluoride
The most important time for us to consume fluoride is when we are in the early stages of childhood. The permanent teeth are forming in the jawbones from the age of 1 year old. Such flouride is found in common city water. If it is available to the body during the formation of the teeth, fluoride is actually incorporated into the matrix of enamel, making it harder and more resistant to the acids bacteria produce.
One of the biggest concerns today is that people are only drinking bottled or filtered water. As a result, children are not getting the fluoride they need to strengthen developing teeth. It is imperative that these children receive fluoride supplements to maintain a healthy set of teeth.
Topical Fluoride
Topical application of fluoride not only strengthens the teeth but also rebuilds the enamel on a microscopic basis. Teeth will actually soak up the fluoride and repair small imperfections where acid has eaten away at the enamel. We gain topical fluoride through the use of fluoride containing products such as toothpaste, some mouth rinses, and prescription fluoride gels.
Because during childhood and teenage years oral hygiene is at its worst and decay is more of risk, it is important to have fluoride treatments twice a year during hygiene appointments.
Although most people receive fluoride from food and water, this is not enough to prevent tooth decay. We may recommend the use of home and professional fluoride treatments for the following reasons:
- Deep pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of teeth
- Exposed and sensitive root surfaces
- Poor oral hygiene habits
- Frequent sugar consumption
- Inadequate saliva flow due to medications, medical conditions, or medical treatments
- Recent history of dental decay